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1 /* $Header: /var/cvs/mbdyn/mbdyn/mbdyn-1.0/mbdyn/struct/brake.cc,v 1.26 2017/01/12 14:46:43 masarati Exp $ */
2 /*
3  * MBDyn (C) is a multibody analysis code.
4  * http://www.mbdyn.org
5  *
6  * Copyright (C) 1996-2017
7  *
8  * Pierangelo Masarati <masarati@aero.polimi.it>
9  * Paolo Mantegazza <mantegazza@aero.polimi.it>
10  *
11  * Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aerospaziale - Politecnico di Milano
12  * via La Masa, 34 - 20156 Milano, Italy
13  * http://www.aero.polimi.it
14  *
15  * Changing this copyright notice is forbidden.
16  *
17  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
18  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
19  * the Free Software Foundation (version 2 of the License).
20  *
21  *
22  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
23  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
25  * GNU General Public License for more details.
26  *
27  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
28  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
29  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
30  */
32 /* Continuano i vincoli di rotazione piani */
34 #include "mbconfig.h" /* This goes first in every *.c,*.cc file */
36 #include "brake.h"
38 /* Brake - begin */
40 const unsigned int Brake::NumSelfDof(0);
41 const unsigned int Brake::NumDof(12);
43 /* Costruttore non banale */
44 Brake::Brake(unsigned int uL, const DofOwner* pDO,
45  const StructNode* pN1, const StructNode* pN2,
46  const Vec3& dTmp1, const Vec3& dTmp2,
47  const Mat3x3& R1hTmp, const Mat3x3& R2hTmp,
48  flag fOut,
49  const doublereal rr,
50  const doublereal pref,
52  BasicFriction *const f,
53 #if 0
54  bool isforce,
55  const Vec3& dir,
56 #endif
57  DriveCaller *pdc)
58 : Elem(uL, fOut),
59 Joint(uL, pDO, fOut),
60 pNode1(pN1), pNode2(pN2),
61 d1(dTmp1), R1h(R1hTmp), d2(dTmp2), R2h(R2hTmp), /* F(Zero3), */ M(Zero3), dTheta(0.),
62 Sh_c(sh), fc(f), preF(pref), r(rr), brakeForce(pdc) /* ,
63 isForce(isforce), Dir(dir) */
64 {
65  NO_OP;
66 }
69 /* Distruttore banale */
71 {
72  NO_OP;
73 };
75 void
79 {
81  Vec3 v(MatR2EulerAngles(RTmp));
83  dTheta = v.dGet(3);
85  fc->SetValue(pDM, X, XP, ph, iGetFirstIndex() + NumSelfDof);
86 }
88 void
90  const VectorHandler& XP)
91 {
93  Mat3x3 RTmp(((pNode1->GetRCurr()*R1h).Transpose()
95  *((pNode2->GetRCurr()*R2h).Transpose()
96  *pNode2->GetRPrev()*R2h));
97  Vec3 V(MatR2EulerAngles(RTmp.Transpose()));
99  dTheta += V.dGet(3);
101  Mat3x3 R1(pNode1->GetRCurr());
102  Mat3x3 R1hTmp(R1*R1h);
103  Vec3 e3a(R1hTmp.GetVec(3));
104  Vec3 Omega1(pNode1->GetWCurr());
105  Vec3 Omega2(pNode2->GetWCurr());
106  //relative velocity
107  doublereal v = (Omega1-Omega2).Dot(e3a)*r;
108  //reaction norm
109  doublereal modF = std::max(brakeForce.dGet(), preF);
110  fc->AfterConvergence(modF, v, X, XP, iGetFirstIndex() + NumSelfDof);
111 }
114 /* Contributo al file di restart */
115 std::ostream& Brake::Restart(std::ostream& out) const
116 {
117  Joint::Restart(out) << ", plane hinge, "
118  << pNode1->GetLabel() << ", reference, node, ",
119  d1.Write(out, ", ")
120  << ", hinge, reference, node, 1, ", (R1h.GetVec(1)).Write(out, ", ")
121  << ", 2, ", (R1h.GetVec(2)).Write(out, ", ") << ", "
122  << pNode2->GetLabel() << ", reference, node, ",
123  d2.Write(out, ", ")
124  << ", hinge, reference, node, 1, ", (R2h.GetVec(1)).Write(out, ", ")
125  << ", 2, ", (R2h.GetVec(2)).Write(out, ", ") << ';' << std::endl;
127  return out;
128 }
131 /* Assemblaggio jacobiano */
134  doublereal dCoef,
135  const VectorHandler& XCurr,
136  const VectorHandler& XPrimeCurr)
137 {
138  DEBUGCOUT("Entering Brake::AssJac()" << std::endl);
140  /* Setta la sottomatrice come piena (e' un po' dispersivo, ma lo jacobiano
141  * e' complicato */
142  FullSubMatrixHandler& WM = WorkMat.SetFull();
144  /* Ridimensiona la sottomatrice in base alle esigenze */
145  integer iNumRows = 0;
146  integer iNumCols = 0;
147  WorkSpaceDim(&iNumRows, &iNumCols);
148  WM.ResizeReset(iNumRows, iNumCols);
150  /* Recupera gli indici delle varie incognite */
151  integer iNode1FirstPosIndex = pNode1->iGetFirstPositionIndex();
152  integer iNode1FirstMomIndex = pNode1->iGetFirstMomentumIndex();
153  integer iNode2FirstPosIndex = pNode2->iGetFirstPositionIndex();
154  integer iNode2FirstMomIndex = pNode2->iGetFirstMomentumIndex();
155  integer iFirstReactionIndex = iGetFirstIndex();
157  /* Setta gli indici delle equazioni */
158  for (unsigned int iCnt = 1; iCnt <= 6; iCnt++) {
159  WM.PutRowIndex(iCnt, iNode1FirstMomIndex+iCnt);
160  WM.PutColIndex(iCnt, iNode1FirstPosIndex+iCnt);
161  WM.PutRowIndex(6+iCnt, iNode2FirstMomIndex+iCnt);
162  WM.PutColIndex(6+iCnt, iNode2FirstPosIndex+iCnt);
163  }
165  for (unsigned int iCnt = 1; iCnt <= iGetNumDof(); iCnt++) {
166  WM.PutRowIndex(12+iCnt, iFirstReactionIndex+iCnt);
167  WM.PutColIndex(12+iCnt, iFirstReactionIndex+iCnt);
168  }
170  /* Recupera i dati che servono */
171  Mat3x3 R1(pNode1->GetRRef());
172  Mat3x3 R2(pNode2->GetRRef());
173  Vec3 d1Tmp(R1*d1);
174  Vec3 d2Tmp(R2*d2);
175  Mat3x3 R1hTmp(R1*R1h);
176  Mat3x3 R2hTmp(R2*R2h);
178  /* Suppongo che le reazioni F, M siano gia' state aggiornate da AssRes;
179  * ricordo che la forza F e' nel sistema globale, mentre la coppia M
180  * e' nel sistema locale ed il terzo termine, M(3), e' nullo in quanto
181  * diretto come l'asse attorno al quale la rotazione e' consentita */
184  /*
185  * La cerniera piana ha le prime 3 equazioni uguali alla cerniera sferica;
186  * inoltre ha due equazioni che affermano la coincidenza dell'asse 3 del
187  * riferimento solidale con la cerniera visto dai due nodi.
188  *
189  * (R1 * R1h * e1)^T * (R2 * R2h * e3) = 0
190  * (R1 * R1h * e2)^T * (R2 * R2h * e3) = 0
191  *
192  * A queste equazioni corrisponde una reazione di coppia agente attorno
193  * agli assi 1 e 2 del riferimento della cerniera. La coppia attorno
194  * all'asse 3 e' nulla per definizione. Quindi la coppia nel sistema
195  * globale e':
196  * -R1 * R1h * M per il nodo 1,
197  * R2 * R2h * M per il nodo 2
198  *
199  *
200  * xa ga xb gb F M
201  * Qa | 0 0 0 0 I 0 | | xa | | -F |
202  * Ga | 0 c*(F/\da/\-(Sa*M)/\) 0 0 da/\ Sa | | ga | | -da/\F-Sa*M |
203  * Qb | 0 0 0 0 -I 0 | | xb | = | F |
204  * Gb | 0 0 0 -c*(F/\db/\-(Sb*M)/\) -db/\ -Sb | | gb | | db/\F+Sb*M |
205  * F | -c*I c*da/\ c*I -c*db/\ 0 0 | | F | | xa+da-xb-db |
206  * M1 | 0 c*Tb1^T*Ta3/\ 0 c*Ta3^T*Tb1/\ 0 0 | | M | | Sb^T*Ta3 |
207  * M2 | 0 c*Tb2^T*Ta3/\ 0 c*Ta3^T*Tb2/\ 0 0 |
208  *
209  * con da = R1*d01, db = R2*d02, c = dCoef,
210  * Sa = R1*R1h*[e1,e2], Sb = R2*R2h*[e1, e2],
211  * Ta3 = R1*R1h*e3, Tb1 = R2*R2h*e1, Tb2 = R2*R2h*e2
212  */
215  /* Moltiplica la forza ed il momento per il coefficiente
216  * del metodo */
217  Vec3 MTmp = M*dCoef;
219  Vec3 e3a(R1hTmp.GetVec(3));
220  Vec3 e1b(R2hTmp.GetVec(1));
221  Vec3 e2b(R2hTmp.GetVec(2));
222  MTmp = e2b*MTmp.dGet(1)-e1b*MTmp.dGet(2);
224  Mat3x3 MWedgee3aWedge(MatCrossCross, MTmp, e3a);
225  Mat3x3 e3aWedgeMWedge(MatCrossCross, e3a, MTmp);
228  /* Contributo del momento alle equazioni di equilibrio dei nodi */
229  Vec3 Tmp1(e2b.Cross(e3a));
230  Vec3 Tmp2(e3a.Cross(e1b));
233  /* Modifica: divido le equazioni di vincolo per dCoef */
235  /* Equazioni di vincolo degli spostamenti */
237  /* Equazione di vincolo del momento
238  *
239  * Attenzione: bisogna scrivere il vettore trasposto
240  * (Sb[1]^T*(Sa[3]/\))*dCoef
241  * Questo pero' e' uguale a:
242  * (-Sa[3]/\*Sb[1])^T*dCoef,
243  * che puo' essere ulteriormente semplificato:
244  * (Sa[3].Cross(Sb[1])*(-dCoef))^T;
245  */
248  //retrive
249  //friction coef
250  doublereal f = fc->fc();
251  //shape function
252  doublereal shc = Sh_c->Sh_c();
253  //omega and omega rif
254  Vec3 Omega1(pNode1->GetWCurr());
255  Vec3 Omega2(pNode2->GetWCurr());
256  Vec3 Omega1r(pNode1->GetWRef());
257  Vec3 Omega2r(pNode2->GetWRef());
258  //compute
259  //relative velocity
260  doublereal v = (Omega1-Omega2).Dot(e3a)*r;
261  //reaction norm
262  doublereal modF = std::max(brakeForce.dGet(), preF);
263  //reaction moment
264  //doublereal M3 = shc*modF*r;
269  //variation of reaction force
270  dF.ReDim(0);
271  //variation of relative velocity
272  dv.ReDim(6);
274 /* new (approximate: assume constant triads orientations)
275  * relative velocity linearization */
277  /* FIXME: why *1. ??? */
278  dv.Set((e3a(1)*1.)*r, 0 + 1, 3 + 1);
279  dv.Set((e3a(2)*1.)*r, 0 + 2, 3 + 2);
280  dv.Set((e3a(3)*1.)*r, 0 + 3, 3 + 3);
282  dv.Set(-(e3a(1)*1.)*r, 3 + 1, 9 + 1);
283  dv.Set(-(e3a(2)*1.)*r, 3 + 2, 9 + 2);
284  dv.Set(-(e3a(3)*1.)*r, 3 + 3, 9 + 3);
287  //assemble friction states
288  fc->AssJac(WM,dfc, 12 + NumSelfDof,
289  iFirstReactionIndex + NumSelfDof, dCoef, modF, v,
290  XCurr, XPrimeCurr, dF, dv);
292  ExpandableRowVector dShc;
293  //compute
294  //variation of shape function
295  Sh_c->dSh_c(dShc,f,modF,v,dfc,dF,dv);
296  //variation of moment component
297  dM3.ReDim(2);
298  dM3.Set(shc*r, 1); dM3.Link(1, &dF);
299  dM3.Set(modF*r, 2); dM3.Link(2, &dShc);
301  //assemble first node
302  //variation of moment component
303  dM3.Add(WM, 3 + 1, e3a(1));
304  dM3.Add(WM, 3 + 2, e3a(2));
305  dM3.Add(WM, 3 + 3, e3a(3));
306  //assemble second node
307  //variation of moment component
308  dM3.Sub(WM, 9 + 1, e3a(1));
309  dM3.Sub(WM, 9 + 2, e3a(2));
310  dM3.Sub(WM, 9 + 3, e3a(3));
312  return WorkMat;
313 }
316 /* Assemblaggio residuo */
318  doublereal dCoef,
319  const VectorHandler& XCurr,
320  const VectorHandler& XPrimeCurr)
321 {
322  DEBUGCOUT("Entering Brake::AssRes()" << std::endl);
324  /* Dimensiona e resetta la matrice di lavoro */
325  integer iNumRows = 0;
326  integer iNumCols = 0;
327  WorkSpaceDim(&iNumRows, &iNumCols);
328  WorkVec.ResizeReset(iNumRows);
330  /* Indici */
331  integer iNode1FirstMomIndex = pNode1->iGetFirstMomentumIndex();
332  integer iNode2FirstMomIndex = pNode2->iGetFirstMomentumIndex();
333  integer iFirstReactionIndex = iGetFirstIndex();
335  /* Indici dei nodi */
336  for (int iCnt = 1; iCnt <= 6; iCnt++) {
337  WorkVec.PutRowIndex(iCnt, iNode1FirstMomIndex+iCnt);
338  WorkVec.PutRowIndex(6+iCnt, iNode2FirstMomIndex+iCnt);
339  }
341  /* Indici del vincolo */
342  for (unsigned int iCnt = 1; iCnt <= iGetNumDof(); iCnt++) {
343  WorkVec.PutRowIndex(12+iCnt, iFirstReactionIndex+iCnt);
344  }
346  /* Aggiorna i dati propri */
347  //FIXME
348  //F = Vec3(Zero3);
349  M = Vec3(Zero3);
351  /*
352  * FIXME: provare a mettere "modificatori" di forza/momento sui gdl
353  * residui: attrito, rigidezze e smorzamenti, ecc.
354  */
356  /* Recupera i dati */
357  Vec3 x1(pNode1->GetXCurr());
358  Vec3 x2(pNode2->GetXCurr());
359  Mat3x3 R1(pNode1->GetRCurr());
360  Mat3x3 R2(pNode2->GetRCurr());
362  /* Costruisce i dati propri nella configurazione corrente */
363  Vec3 dTmp1(R1*d1);
364  Vec3 dTmp2(R2*d2);
365  Mat3x3 R1hTmp(R1*R1h);
366  Mat3x3 R2hTmp(R2*R2h);
368  Vec3 e3a(R1hTmp.GetVec(3));
369  Vec3 e1b(R2hTmp.GetVec(1));
370  Vec3 e2b(R2hTmp.GetVec(2));
372  Vec3 MTmp(e2b.Cross(e3a)*M.dGet(1)+e3a.Cross(e1b)*M.dGet(2));
374  /* Equazioni di equilibrio, nodo 1 */
376  /* Equazioni di equilibrio, nodo 2 */
378  /* Modifica: divido le equazioni di vincolo per dCoef */
380  bool ChangeJac(false);
381  Vec3 Omega1(pNode1->GetWCurr());
382  Vec3 Omega2(pNode2->GetWCurr());
383  doublereal v = (Omega1-Omega2).Dot(e3a)*r;
384  doublereal modF = std::max(brakeForce.dGet(), preF);
385  try {
386  fc->AssRes(WorkVec, 12 + NumSelfDof,
387  iFirstReactionIndex + NumSelfDof,
388  modF, v, XCurr, XPrimeCurr);
389  }
391  ChangeJac = true;
392  }
393  doublereal f = fc->fc();
394  doublereal shc = Sh_c->Sh_c(f, modF, v);
395  M(3) = r*shc*modF;
396  WorkVec.Sub(4, e3a*M(3));
397  WorkVec.Add(10, e3a*M(3));
399 // M += e3a*M3;
400  if (ChangeJac) {
402  }
404  return WorkVec;
405 }
407 unsigned int Brake::iGetNumDof(void) const {
408  unsigned int i = NumSelfDof;
409  if (fc) {
410  i+=fc->iGetNumDof();
411  }
412  return i;
413 };
417 Brake::GetDofType(unsigned int i) const {
418  ASSERT(i >= 0 && i < iGetNumDof());
419  if (i<NumSelfDof) {
420  return DofOrder::ALGEBRAIC;
421  } else {
422  return fc->GetDofType(i-NumSelfDof);
423  }
424 };
427 Brake::GetEqType(unsigned int i) const
428 {
429  ASSERTMSGBREAK(i < iGetNumDof(),
430  "INDEX ERROR in Brake::GetEqType");
431  if (i<NumSelfDof) {
432  return DofOrder::ALGEBRAIC;
433  } else {
434  return fc->GetEqType(i-NumSelfDof);
435  }
436 }
438 /* Output (da mettere a punto) */
440 {
441  if (bToBeOutput()) {
442  Mat3x3 R2Tmp(pNode2->GetRCurr()*R2h);
443  Mat3x3 RTmp((pNode1->GetRCurr()*R1h).Transpose()*R2Tmp);
444  Mat3x3 R2TmpT(R2Tmp.Transpose());
446  std::ostream &of = Joint::Output(OH.Joints(), "PlaneHinge", GetLabel(),
447  /* R2TmpT*F*/ Zero3, M, /* F */ Zero3, R2Tmp*M)
448  << " " << MatR2EulerAngles(RTmp)*dRaDegr
449  << " " << R2TmpT*(pNode2->GetWCurr()-pNode1->GetWCurr());
450  if (fc) {
451  of << " " << fc->fc() << " " << brakeForce.dGet();
452  }
453  of << std::endl;
454  }
455 }
458 /* Contributo allo jacobiano durante l'assemblaggio iniziale */
461  const VectorHandler& XCurr)
462 {
463  /* Per ora usa la matrice piena; eventualmente si puo'
464  * passare a quella sparsa quando si ottimizza */
465  WorkMat.SetNullMatrix();
467  return WorkMat;
468 }
471 /* Contributo al residuo durante l'assemblaggio iniziale */
474  const VectorHandler& XCurr)
475 {
476  DEBUGCOUT("Entering Brake::InitialAssRes()" << std::endl);
478  /* Dimensiona e resetta la matrice di lavoro */
479  WorkVec.ResizeReset(0);
481  return WorkVec;
482 }
485 unsigned int
487 {
488  /* FIXME: add access to friction priv data... */
489  return 2;
490 }
492 unsigned int
493 Brake::iGetPrivDataIdx(const char *s) const
494 {
495  ASSERT(s != NULL);
497  if (strcmp(s, "rz") == 0) {
498  return 1;
499  }
501  if (strcmp(s, "wz") == 0) {
502  return 2;
503  }
506  return 0;
507 }
509 doublereal Brake::dGetPrivData(unsigned int i) const
510 {
511  ASSERT(i >= 1 && i <= iGetNumPrivData());
513  switch (i) {
514  case 1: {
515  return dTheta;
516  }
518  case 2: {
519  Mat3x3 R2TmpT((pNode2->GetRCurr()*R2h).Transpose());
520  Vec3 v(R2TmpT*(pNode2->GetWCurr()-pNode1->GetWCurr()));
522  return v.dGet(3);
523  }
525  default:
526  silent_cerr("Brake(" << GetLabel() << "): "
527  "illegal private data " << i << std::endl);
529  }
530 }
532 /* Brake - end */
virtual DofOrder::Order GetEqType(unsigned int i) const
Definition: simentity.h:138
Mat3x3 R2h
Definition: brake.h:63
void PutColIndex(integer iSubCol, integer iCol)
Definition: submat.h:325
const Vec3 Zero3(0., 0., 0.)
#define ASSERTMSGBREAK(expr, msg)
Definition: myassert.h:222
void Set(doublereal xx, integer i, integer iidx)
Definition: JacSubMatrix.cc:95
virtual void AssRes(SubVectorHandler &WorkVec, const unsigned int startdof, const unsigned int solution_startdof, const doublereal F, const doublereal v, const VectorHandler &X, const VectorHandler &XP)=0
std::ostream & Write(std::ostream &out, const char *sFill=" ") const
Definition: matvec3.cc:738
static void sh(int signum)
long int flag
Definition: mbdyn.h:43
virtual const Mat3x3 & GetRRef(void) const
Definition: strnode.h:1006
virtual bool bToBeOutput(void) const
Definition: output.cc:890
MatrixExpression< TransposedMatrix< MatrixDirectExpr< Matrix< T, N_rows, N_cols > > >, N_cols, N_rows > Transpose(const Matrix< T, N_rows, N_cols > &A)
Definition: matvec.h:2206
Definition: except.h:63
Definition: matvec3.h:98
doublereal dTheta
Definition: brake.h:74
virtual void ResizeReset(integer)
Definition: vh.cc:55
FullSubMatrixHandler & SetFull(void)
Definition: submat.h:1168
virtual const Mat3x3 & GetRCurr(void) const
Definition: strnode.h:1012
std::ostream & Write(std::ostream &out, const FullMatrixHandler &m, const char *s, const char *s2)
Definition: fullmh.cc:376
VariableSubMatrixHandler & InitialAssJac(VariableSubMatrixHandler &WorkMat, const VectorHandler &XCurr)
Definition: brake.cc:460
void Add(doublereal xx, integer i)
void SetValue(DataManager *pDM, VectorHandler &X, VectorHandler &XP, SimulationEntity::Hints *ph=0)
Definition: friction.h:45
virtual void Sub(integer iRow, const Vec3 &v)
Definition: vh.cc:78
const StructNode * pNode2
Definition: brake.h:59
static const unsigned int NumDof
Definition: brake.h:83
VariableSubMatrixHandler & AssJac(VariableSubMatrixHandler &WorkMat, doublereal dCoef, const VectorHandler &XCurr, const VectorHandler &XPrimeCurr)
Definition: brake.cc:133
virtual doublereal Sh_c(void) const =0
const doublereal preF
Definition: brake.h:79
virtual const Vec3 & GetWRef(void) const
Definition: strnode.h:1024
#define NO_OP
Definition: myassert.h:74
Vec3 d1
Definition: brake.h:60
std::vector< Hint * > Hints
Definition: simentity.h:89
DofOrder::Order GetDofType(unsigned int i) const
Definition: brake.cc:417
DofOrder::Order GetEqType(unsigned int i) const
Definition: brake.cc:427
virtual std::ostream & Restart(std::ostream &out) const
Definition: brake.cc:115
Vec3 GetVec(unsigned short int i) const
Definition: matvec3.h:893
virtual doublereal fc(void) const =0
virtual void PutRowIndex(integer iSubRow, integer iRow)=0
void ReDim(const integer n)
Definition: JacSubMatrix.cc:50
virtual void AfterConvergence(const doublereal F, const doublereal v, const VectorHandler &X, const VectorHandler &XP, const unsigned int solution_startdof)
Definition: friction.h:96
void Output(OutputHandler &OH) const
Definition: brake.cc:439
virtual doublereal dGetPrivData(unsigned int i) const
Definition: brake.cc:509
DataManager * pDM
Definition: mbpar.h:252
void SetNullMatrix(void)
Definition: submat.h:1159
virtual const Mat3x3 & GetRPrev(void) const
Definition: strnode.h:1000
virtual unsigned int iGetNumDof(void) const
Definition: brake.cc:407
virtual void SetValue(DataManager *pDM, VectorHandler &X, VectorHandler &XP, SimulationEntity::Hints *ph=0)
Definition: brake.cc:76
const doublereal & dGet(unsigned short int iRow) const
Definition: matvec3.h:285
#define DEBUGCOUT(msg)
Definition: myassert.h:232
virtual unsigned int iGetPrivDataIdx(const char *s) const
Definition: brake.cc:493
virtual integer iGetFirstMomentumIndex(void) const =0
virtual integer iGetFirstPositionIndex(void) const
Definition: strnode.h:452
BasicFriction *const fc
Definition: brake.h:78
virtual const Vec3 & GetWCurr(void) const
Definition: strnode.h:1030
const doublereal dRaDegr
Definition: matvec3.cc:884
virtual std::ostream & Restart(std::ostream &out) const
Definition: joint.h:195
virtual DofOrder::Order GetDofType(unsigned int i) const =0
std::ostream & Joints(void) const
Definition: output.h:443
DotTraits< VectorExprLhs, VectorExprRhs, N_rows, N_rows >::ExpressionType Dot(const VectorExpression< VectorExprLhs, N_rows > &u, const VectorExpression< VectorExprRhs, N_rows > &v)
Definition: matvec.h:3133
Definition: brake.cc:70
virtual void dSh_c(ExpandableRowVector &dShc, const doublereal f, const doublereal F, const doublereal v, const ExpandableRowVector &dfc, const ExpandableRowVector &dF, const ExpandableRowVector &dv) const =0
#define ASSERT(expression)
Definition: colamd.c:977
Vec3 MatR2EulerAngles(const Mat3x3 &R)
Definition: matvec3.cc:887
virtual const Vec3 & GetXCurr(void) const
Definition: strnode.h:310
virtual void Add(integer iRow, const Vec3 &v)
Definition: vh.cc:63
void Link(const integer i, const ExpandableRowVector *const xp, const integer rhs_block=1)
Definition: JacSubMatrix.cc:68
DriveOwner brakeForce
Definition: brake.h:81
virtual void ResizeReset(integer, integer)
Definition: submat.cc:182
virtual void AssJac(FullSubMatrixHandler &WorkMat, ExpandableRowVector &dfc, const unsigned int startdof, const unsigned int solution_startdof, const doublereal dCoef, const doublereal F, const doublereal v, const VectorHandler &X, const VectorHandler &XP, const ExpandableRowVector &dF, const ExpandableRowVector &dv) const =0
SubVectorHandler & AssRes(SubVectorHandler &WorkVec, doublereal dCoef, const VectorHandler &XCurr, const VectorHandler &XPrimeCurr)
Definition: brake.cc:317
virtual unsigned int iGetNumDof(void) const =0
Mat3x3 Transpose(void) const
Definition: matvec3.h:816
virtual void AfterConvergence(const VectorHandler &X, const VectorHandler &XP)
Definition: brake.cc:89
virtual unsigned int iGetNumPrivData(void) const
Definition: brake.cc:486
const MatCrossCross_Manip MatCrossCross
Definition: matvec3.cc:640
Definition: elem.h:75
void PutRowIndex(integer iSubRow, integer iRow)
Definition: submat.h:311
void WorkSpaceDim(integer *piNumRows, integer *piNumCols) const
Definition: brake.h:124
BasicShapeCoefficient *const Sh_c
Definition: brake.h:77
doublereal dGet(const doublereal &dVar) const
Definition: drive.cc:664
void Sub(doublereal xx, integer i)
Definition: joint.h:50
const StructNode * pNode1
Definition: brake.h:58
virtual integer iGetFirstIndex(void) const
Definition: dofown.h:127
double doublereal
Definition: colamd.c:52
std::ostream & Output(std::ostream &out, const char *sJointName, unsigned int uLabel, const Vec3 &FLocal, const Vec3 &MLocal, const Vec3 &FGlobal, const Vec3 &MGlobal) const
Definition: joint.cc:138
Brake(unsigned int uL, const DofOwner *pDO, const StructNode *pN1, const StructNode *pN2, const Vec3 &dTmp1, const Vec3 &dTmp2, const Mat3x3 &R1hTmp, const Mat3x3 &R2hTmp, flag fOut, const doublereal rr, const doublereal pref, BasicShapeCoefficient *const sh, BasicFriction *const f, DriveCaller *pdc)
Definition: brake.cc:44
long int integer
Definition: colamd.c:51
unsigned int GetLabel(void) const
Definition: withlab.cc:62
static const unsigned int NumSelfDof
Definition: brake.h:82
Vec3 d2
Definition: brake.h:62
SubVectorHandler & InitialAssRes(SubVectorHandler &WorkVec, const VectorHandler &XCurr)
Definition: brake.cc:473
const doublereal r
Definition: brake.h:80
Vec3 M
Definition: brake.h:65
Mat3x3 R1h
Definition: brake.h:61