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 Engine Mount System for Ultra High Pass Engine

Gagnon, L., Morandini, M., and Ghiringhelli, G.L., « A review of friction damping modeling and testing », Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2019, doi:10.1007/s00419-019-01600-6

Gagnon, L., Morandini, M., and Ghiringhelli, G.L., « A review of particle damping modeling and testing », Journal of Sound and Vibration, 459, 2019, doi: 10.1016/j.jsv.2019.114865

 An aeroelastic study of cycloidal rotors used in various configurations

Description détaillée : aeroelastic study of cycloidal rotors

Developed multibody dynamics models using the MBDyn multibody software for mission analysis of a Heligyro, a Helicopter, and a Quadricyclogyro: 1. optimized using numerical genetic minimization approach; 2. relied on both Gnu Octave and Dakota for serial and parallel optimizations; 3. with vibration/comfort control using filters into the controller algorithm; 4. each aerial vehicle can fly totally autonomously; 5. limited dimensions to a compact Heligyro and thus need strong cycloidal rotors to produce adequate torque; 6. rotor weight estimation based on gross estimates or 3D printed plastic materials.

Setup a cycloidal rotor CFD model for the car-rotor configuration, the Cyclomobile, which is ready for optimization or implementation of a faster CFD method.

Conducted preliminary tests for the fabrication of a 3D printed cycloidal rotor and small drone: 1. 3D printing tests with nylon and PLA; 2. dimensioned the rotor by optimization of the aerodynamic analytic equations; 3. set up an hybrid gradient-based optimization of the drone analytic dimensioning using SageMath mathematical toolkit and Dakota.

Please refer to the relevant page to find the associated publications.

 Cycloidal Rotor Optimized for Propulsion

Site officiel : http://crop-project.eu

Vidéos descriptifs : Cycloidal Rotor Optimized for Propulsion

Aerodynamic models for cycloidal rotor analysis
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 Developing a Dynamic Model and Quantifying the Road Profile Influence on a Vehicle

Thèse : développement d'un modèle dynamique et quantification de l'influence du profil de la route sur un véhicule; version corrigée après publication officielle

An implicit ring tire model for multibody simulation with energy dissipation

An overview of various new road profile quality evaluation criteria: part 1
Version gratuite à tirage limité: : http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/yqKI5XsbhbJfBSifWnRU/full
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An overview of various new road profile quality evaluation criteria: part 2
Version gratuite à tirage limité: : http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/yXSRVtnbnvpDGTWydShq/full
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A multibody dynamics model to assess the impact of road unevenness on the efficiency of a semitrailer truck
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Assessment of the relationship between the international roughness index and dynamic loading of heavy vehicles
Version gratuite à tirage limité: : http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/EfaTeNHtnVhr3iVZ79bE/full

Quand les poids lourds sautillent

 Allée Fruitée

Site internet du projet

Mise à jour suite à la création de l'Allée Fruitée d'Univert Laval

Les étudiants qui plantaient des arbres

 Alérion Supermileage

The process of making an aerodynamically efficient car body for the sae supermileage competition

 Calculation of the Aerodynamic Resistance of a Vehicle Equipped with Moving Parts

Mémoire : calcul de la résistance aérodynamique d'un véhicule muni de pièces en mouvement

Simulation of a rotating device that reduces the aerodynamic drag of an automobile