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1 /* $Header: /var/cvs/mbdyn/mbdyn/mbdyn-1.0/libraries/libmbutil/mathp.h,v 1.53 2017/01/12 14:44:04 masarati Exp $ */
2 /*
3  * MBDyn (C) is a multibody analysis code.
4  * http://www.mbdyn.org
5  *
6  * Copyright (C) 1996-2017
7  *
8  * Pierangelo Masarati <masarati@aero.polimi.it>
9  * Paolo Mantegazza <mantegazza@aero.polimi.it>
10  *
11  * Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aerospaziale - Politecnico di Milano
12  * via La Masa, 34 - 20156 Milano, Italy
13  * http://www.aero.polimi.it
14  *
15  * Changing this copyright notice is forbidden.
16  *
17  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
18  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
19  * the Free Software Foundation (version 2 of the License).
20  *
21  *
22  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
23  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
25  * GNU General Public License for more details.
26  *
27  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
28  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
29  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
30  */
32 /*
33  * With the contribution of Ankit Aggarwal <ankit.ankit.aggarwal@gmail.com>
34  * during Google Summer of Code 2015
35  */
37 #ifndef MATHP_H
38 #define MATHP_H
40 #include <stdlib.h>
41 #include <ctype.h>
42 #include <string.h>
43 #include <cmath>
44 #include <time.h>
45 #include <iostream>
46 #include <vector>
47 #include <map>
48 #include <stack>
49 #include <string>
51 #include "myassert.h"
52 #include "mynewmem.h"
53 #include "except.h"
55 #include "mathtyp.h"
56 #include "table.h"
57 #include "input.h"
59 #ifdef USE_EE
60 #include "evaluator.h"
61 #endif // USE_EE
63 class MathParser {
64 public:
65  enum ArgType {
66  /* AT_PRIVATE means only who created that type
67  * is supposed to deal with it (the default);
68  * the MathParser only knows how to deal with
69  * the remaining types */
79  };
81  enum ArgFlag {
82  AF_NONE = 0x0U,
83  AF_OPTIONAL = 0x1U,
85  AF_CONST = 0x10U
86  };
88  class MathArg_t {
89  private:
90  unsigned m_flags;
92  public:
93  MathArg_t(unsigned f = AF_NONE) : m_flags(f) {};
94  virtual ~MathArg_t(void) { NO_OP; };
96  void SetFlag(const MathParser::ArgFlag& f) { m_flags |= unsigned(f); };
97  void ClearFlag(const MathParser::ArgFlag& f) { m_flags &= ~unsigned(f); };
98  bool IsFlag(const MathParser::ArgFlag f) const { return (m_flags & unsigned(f)) == unsigned(f); };
99  unsigned GetFlags(void) const { return m_flags; };
100  virtual ArgType Type(void) const = 0;
101 #ifdef USE_EE
102  virtual void SetExpr(const ExpressionElement *ee) { throw ErrGeneric(MBDYN_EXCEPT_ARGS); };
103  virtual const ExpressionElement *GetExpr(void) const { return 0; };
104  virtual void Eval(void) { NO_OP; };
105 #endif // USE_EE
106  virtual MathArg_t *Copy(void) const = 0;
107  };
109  class MathArgVoid_t : public MathArg_t {
110  public:
111  virtual ~MathArgVoid_t(void) { NO_OP; };
112  virtual ArgType Type(void) const { return AT_VOID; };
113  virtual MathArg_t *Copy(void) const { return new MathArgVoid_t; };
114  };
116  template <class T, ArgType TT = AT_PRIVATE>
117  class MathArgPriv_t : public MathArg_t {
118  protected:
119  T m_val;
120 #ifdef USE_EE
121  const ExpressionElement *m_ee; // NOTE: memory owned by someone else
122 #endif // USE_EE
124  public:
125 #ifdef USE_EE
126  MathArgPriv_t(const T& val, unsigned f = AF_NONE) : MathArg_t(f), m_val(val), m_ee(0) { NO_OP; };
127  MathArgPriv_t(const T& val, const ExpressionElement *ee, unsigned f = AF_NONE) : MathArg_t(f), m_val(val), m_ee(ee) { NO_OP; };
128  MathArgPriv_t(void) : MathArg_t(AF_NONE), m_ee(0) { NO_OP; };
129 #else // ! USE_EE
130  MathArgPriv_t(const T& val, unsigned f = AF_NONE) : MathArg_t(f), m_val(val) { NO_OP; };
132 #endif // ! USE_EE
134  virtual ~MathArgPriv_t(void) { NO_OP; };
135  virtual ArgType Type(void) const { return TT; };
136 #ifdef USE_EE
137  virtual void SetExpr(const ExpressionElement *ee) { m_ee = ee; };
138  virtual const ExpressionElement *GetExpr(void) const { return m_ee; };
139  virtual void Eval(void) { if (m_ee) { EE_Eval(m_val, m_ee); } };
140  virtual MathArg_t *Copy(void) const { return new MathArgPriv_t<T, TT>(m_val, m_ee, GetFlags()); };
141 #else // ! USE_EE
142  virtual MathArg_t *Copy(void) const { return new MathArgPriv_t<T, TT>(m_val, GetFlags()); };
143 #endif // ! USE_EE
145  const T& operator()(void) const { return m_val; };
146  T& operator()(void) { return m_val; };
147  };
149  // not used right now; could be used for casting and so
158  typedef std::vector<MathArg_t*> MathArgs;
159  typedef int (*MathFunc_f)(const MathArgs& args);
160  typedef int (*MathFuncTest_f)(const MathArgs& args);
162  // forward declaration
163  class NameSpace;
165  /* struttura delle funzioni built-in */
166  struct MathFunc_t {
167  std::string fname; /* function name */
168  NameSpace *ns; /* puntatore a namespace */
169  MathArgs args; /* argomenti (0: out; 1->n: in) */
170  MathFunc_f f; /* puntatore a funzione */
171  MathFuncTest_f t; /* puntatore a funzione di test */
172  std::string errmsg; /* messaggio di errore */
174  MathFunc_t(void) : ns(0), f(0), t(0) {};
175  MathFunc_t(const MathFunc_t& in) : fname(in.fname), ns(in.ns), args(in.args.size()), f(in.f), t(in.t), errmsg(in.errmsg) {
176  for (unsigned i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) {
177  args[i] = in.args[i]->Copy();
178  }
179  };
180  ~MathFunc_t(void) {
181  for (unsigned i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) {
182  delete args[i];
183  }
184  };
185  };
187  /* carattere di inizio commento */
188  static const char ONE_LINE_REMARK = '#';
190  /* Namespace */
191  class NameSpace {
192  std::string name;
194  public:
195  NameSpace(const std::string& name);
196  virtual ~NameSpace(void);
197  virtual const std::string& sGetName(void) const;
198  virtual bool IsFunc(const std::string& fname) const = 0;
199  virtual MathParser::MathFunc_t* GetFunc(const std::string& fname) const = 0;
200  virtual TypedValue EvalFunc(MathParser::MathFunc_t *f) const = 0;
201  virtual Table* GetTable(void) = 0;
202  };
204  /* Static namespace */
206  private:
207  typedef std::map<std::string, MathParser::MathFunc_t *> funcType;
211  public:
212  StaticNameSpace(Table *pTable = 0);
213  ~StaticNameSpace(void);
215  bool IsFunc(const std::string& fname) const;
216  MathParser::MathFunc_t* GetFunc(const std::string& fname) const;
217  virtual TypedValue EvalFunc(MathParser::MathFunc_t *f) const;
218  virtual Table* GetTable(void);
219  };
221  /* Prototipo dei plugin */
222  class PlugIn {
223  protected:
226  /*
227  * Idea base:
228  * un plugin e' un qualcosa che viene collegato al parser
229  * dopo la sua costruzione. Il plugin e' dotato di 'tipo'
230  * (sName). Quando il parser incontra una parentesi quadra
231  * che si apre ('['), si comporta come segue:
232  * - esegue il parsing dello stream fino alla chiusura
233  * della parentesi (']'),
234  * - separando i token in base alle virgole (','),
235  * - quindi legge il primo token che contiene il nome del
236  * plugin
237  * - legge il secondo token con il quale definisce una
238  * metavariabile a cui il risultato della creazione
239  * del plugin viene assegnato.
240  * Il risultato e' una metavariabile, a cui e' associata una
241  * certa operazione. Ogni qualvolta la variabile viene usata,
242  * questo provoca l'esecuzione del plugin.
243  */
244  public:
245  PlugIn(MathParser& mp) : mp(mp) {};
246  virtual ~PlugIn() {};
247  virtual const char *sName(void) const = 0;
248  virtual int Read(int argc, char *argv[]) = 0;
249  virtual TypedValue::Type GetType(void) const = 0;
250  virtual TypedValue GetVal(void) const = 0;
251  };
253 protected:
254  class PlugInVar : public NamedValue {
255  private:
258  public:
259  PlugInVar(const char *const s, MathParser::PlugIn *p);
260  ~PlugInVar(void);
262  TypedValue::Type GetType(void) const;
263  bool Const(void) const;
264  bool MayChange(void) const;
265  TypedValue GetVal(void) const;
266  };
268  struct PlugInRegister {
269  const char *name;
270  MathParser::PlugIn * (*constructor)(MathParser&, void *);
271  void *arg;
275  : name(NULL), constructor(0), arg(0), next(0) {};
276  } *PlugIns;
278 public:
280  /* Gestione degli errori */
281  class ErrGeneric : public MBDynErrBase {
282  public:
285  };
287  Table& table; /* symbol table */
288  bool bRedefineVars; /* redefine_vars flag */
290 public:
291  /* gioca con table e stream di ingresso */
292  Table& GetSymbolTable(void) const;
293  void PutSymbolTable(Table& T);
295  InputStream* in; /* stream in ingresso */
296  int GetLineNumber(void) const;
298 public:
300  /* i token che il lex riconosce */
301  enum Token {
302  ENDOFFILE = -2,
309  NUM, /* Numero */
310  NAME, /* Nome */
311  EXP, /* '^' : Elevamento a potenza */
312  MULT, /* '*' : Moltiplicazione */
313  DIV, /* '/' : Divisione */
314  MOD, /* '%' : Divisione */
315  MINUS, /* '-' : Meno */
316  PLUS, /* '+' : Piu' */
317  GT, /* '>' : Maggiore di */
318  GE, /* '>=' : Maggiore o uguale */
319  EQ, /* '==' : Uguale */
320  LE, /* '<=' : Minore o uguale */
321  LT, /* '<' : Minore di */
322  NE, /* '!=' : Diverso da */
323  NOT, /* '!' : Negazione (operatore logico) */
324  AND, /* '&&' : AND (operatore logico) */
325  OR, /* '||' : OR (operatore logico) */
326  XOR, /* '~|' : XOR, o OR esclusivo (op. logico) */
328  OBR, /* '(' : Parentesi aperta */
329  CBR, /* ')' : Parentesi chiusa */
330  OPGIN, /* '[' : Apertura di plugin statement */
331  CPGIN, /* ']' : Chiusura di plugin statement */
332  STMTSEP, /* ';' : Separatore di statements */
333  ARGSEP, /* ',' : Separatore di argomenti */
334  NAMESPACESEP, /* '::' : Separatore di namespace */
335  ASSIGN, /* '=' : Assegnazione */
338  };
344  };
346 protected:
350 public:
351  typedef std::map<std::string, NameSpace *> NameSpaceMap;
352  const NameSpaceMap& GetNameSpaceMap(void) const;
354 protected:
357  /* buffer statico reallocabile per leggere nomi */
358  std::string namebuf;
360  /* valore numerico dotato di tipo */
363  /* token corrente */
366  struct TokenVal {
369  };
370  std::stack<TokenVal> TokenStack;
372  /* operazioni sulla stack */
373  void TokenPush(enum Token t);
374  int TokenPop(void);
376  TypedValue::Type GetType(const char* const s) const;
377  TypedValue::TypeModifier GetTypeModifier(const char* const s) const;
378  MathParser::DeclarationModifier GetDeclarationModifier(const char* const s) const;
380  bool IsType(const char* const s) const;
381  bool IsTypeModifier(const char* const s) const;
382  bool IsDeclarationModifier(const char* const s) const;
383  bool IsKeyWord(NameSpace *ns, const char* const s) const;
385  /* lexer */
386  enum Token GetToken(void);
388  void trim_arg(char *const s);
390  /*
391  * functions whose recursive invocation expresses
392  * operators' precedence
393  *
394  * NOTE:
395  * - the *_int(d) version does the actual job
396  * - the *(void) version first parses the first operand,
397  * then calls *_int(d)
398  * - the *(d) version calls *_int(d) with the argument
399  */
401 #ifdef USE_EE
402  ExpressionElement* logical(void);
408  ExpressionElement* binary(void);
411  ExpressionElement* mult(void);
414  ExpressionElement* power(void);
417  ExpressionElement* unary(void);
419  /* helper for expr, which evaluates [built-in] functions */
422  /* evaluates expressions */
423  ExpressionElement* expr(void);
425  /* evaluates statements and statement lists */
426  ExpressionElement* stmt(void);
431 #else // ! USE_EE
432  TypedValue logical(void);
435  TypedValue relational(void);
438  TypedValue binary(void);
441  TypedValue mult(void);
444  TypedValue power(void);
447  TypedValue unary(void);
449  /* helper per expr, che valuta le funzioni built-in */
452  /* evaluates expressions */
453  TypedValue expr(void);
455  /* evaluates statements and statement lists */
456  TypedValue stmt(void);
457  TypedValue stmtlist(void);
459  TypedValue readplugin(void);
460 #endif // ! USE_EE
462 private:
463  // no copy constructor
464  MathParser(const MathParser&);
466 public:
467  MathParser(const InputStream& strm, Table& t, bool bRedefineVars = false);
468  MathParser(Table& t, bool bRedefineVars = false);
469  ~MathParser(void);
471  NamedValue *
472  InsertSym(const char* const s, const Real& v, int redefine = 0);
473  NamedValue *
474  InsertSym(const char* const s, const Int& v, int redefine = 0);
476  /*
477  * interpreta una sequenza di stmt e restituisce il valore
478  * dell'ultimo
479  */
480  Real GetLastStmt(Real d = 0., Token t = ARGSEP);
481  Real GetLastStmt(const InputStream& strm, Real d = 0.,
482  Token t = ARGSEP);
484 #ifdef USE_EE
485  /* interpreta uno stmt e ne restitutisce il valore */
486  ExpressionElement *GetExpr(void);
487  ExpressionElement *GetExpr(const InputStream& strm);
488 #endif // USE_EE
490  Real Get(Real d = 0.);
491  Real Get(const InputStream& strm, Real d = 0.);
492  TypedValue Get(const TypedValue& v);
493  TypedValue Get(const InputStream& strm, const TypedValue& v);
495  /* modalita' calcolatrice: elabora e stampa ogni stmt */
496  void GetForever(std::ostream& out, const char* const sep = "\n");
497  void GetForever(const InputStream& strm, std::ostream& out,
498  const char* const sep = "\n");
500  int RegisterPlugIn(const char *name,
501  MathParser::PlugIn * (*)(MathParser&, void *),
502  void *arg);
504  int RegisterNameSpace(NameSpace *ns);
506  NameSpace *GetNameSpace(const std::string& name) const;
508  /* validates a name */
509  bool bNameValidate(const std::string& s) const;
510 };
512 extern std::ostream&
513 operator << (std::ostream& out, const MathParser::MathArgVoid_t& v);
514 extern std::ostream&
515 operator << (std::ostream& out, const MathParser::MathArgBool_t& v);
516 extern std::ostream&
517 operator << (std::ostream& out, const MathParser::MathArgInt_t& v);
518 extern std::ostream&
519 operator << (std::ostream& out, const MathParser::MathArgReal_t& v);
520 extern std::ostream&
521 operator << (std::ostream& out, const MathParser::MathArgString_t& v);
523 #endif /* MATHP_H */
void trim_arg(char *const s)
Definition: mathp.cc:1865
MathArgPriv_t< Real, AT_REAL > MathArgReal_t
Definition: mathp.h:155
TypedValue stmtlist(void)
Definition: mathp.cc:4253
virtual Table * GetTable(void)
Definition: mathp.cc:2885
TypedValue logical(void)
Definition: mathp.cc:3310
TypedValue relational_int(TypedValue d)
Definition: mathp.cc:3362
NameSpace(const std::string &name)
Definition: mathp.cc:1989
InputStream * in
Definition: mathp.h:295
MathParser(const MathParser &)
std::map< std::string, NameSpace * > NameSpaceMap
Definition: mathp.h:351
static const char ONE_LINE_REMARK
Definition: mathp.h:188
Real Get(Real d=0.)
Definition: mathp.cc:4496
virtual ~MathArgVoid_t(void)
Definition: mathp.h:111
bool IsKeyWord(NameSpace *ns, const char *const s) const
Definition: mathp.cc:2945
std::string namebuf
Definition: mathp.h:358
Definition: except.h:63
NamedValue * InsertSym(const char *const s, const Real &v, int redefine=0)
Definition: mathp.cc:4315
bool IsDeclarationModifier(const char *const s) const
Definition: mathp.cc:2939
bool MayChange(void) const
Definition: mathp.cc:1910
int RegisterNameSpace(NameSpace *ns)
Definition: mathp.cc:4602
std::vector< MathArg_t * > MathArgs
Definition: mathp.h:158
MathArg_t(unsigned f=AF_NONE)
Definition: mathp.h:93
int(* MathFuncTest_f)(const MathArgs &args)
Definition: mathp.h:160
TypedValue binary_int(TypedValue d)
Definition: mathp.cc:3415
virtual ~MathArgPriv_t(void)
Definition: mathp.h:134
std::string errmsg
Definition: mathp.h:172
Definition: mathp.h:340
bool EE_Eval(TypedValue &dst, const ExpressionElement *ee)
MathArgPriv_t(const T &val, unsigned f=AF_NONE)
Definition: mathp.h:130
Definition: except.h:43
bool IsTypeModifier(const char *const s) const
Definition: mathp.cc:2933
TypedValue m_v
Definition: mathp.h:368
void GetForever(std::ostream &out, const char *const sep="\n")
Definition: mathp.cc:4565
virtual MathArg_t * Copy(void) const
Definition: mathp.h:113
TypedValue mult(void)
Definition: mathp.cc:3436
#define NO_OP
Definition: myassert.h:74
MathParser::PlugIn *(* constructor)(MathParser &, void *)
Definition: mathp.h:270
MathArgPriv_t< bool, AT_BOOL > MathArgBool_t
Definition: mathp.h:153
virtual MathArg_t * Copy(void) const
Definition: mathp.h:142
const char * name
Definition: mathp.h:269
StaticNameSpace(Table *pTable=0)
Definition: mathp.cc:2008
MathParser::MathFunc_t * GetFunc(const std::string &fname) const
Definition: mathp.cc:2847
TypedValue::Type GetType(void) const
Definition: mathp.cc:1898
TypedValue power_int(TypedValue d)
Definition: mathp.cc:3497
enum Token GetToken(void)
Definition: mathp.cc:2960
int(* MathFunc_f)(const MathArgs &args)
Definition: mathp.h:159
bool IsType(const char *const s) const
Definition: mathp.cc:2927
bool Const(void) const
Definition: mathp.cc:1904
TypedValue stmt(void)
Definition: mathp.cc:3781
MathArgPriv_t< TypedValue, AT_ANY > MathArgAny_t
Definition: mathp.h:152
bool bRedefineVars
Definition: mathp.h:288
MathParser::PlugIn * pgin
Definition: mathp.h:256
MathFunc_t(const MathFunc_t &in)
Definition: mathp.h:175
MathFunc_f f
Definition: mathp.h:170
MathFuncTest_f t
Definition: mathp.h:171
virtual MathParser::MathFunc_t * GetFunc(const std::string &fname) const =0
struct PlugInRegister * next
Definition: mathp.h:272
enum Token currtoken
Definition: mathp.h:364
const T & operator()(void) const
Definition: mathp.h:145
virtual TypedValue EvalFunc(MathParser::MathFunc_t *f) const
Definition: mathp.cc:2859
TypedValue binary(void)
Definition: mathp.cc:3403
StaticNameSpace * defaultNameSpace
Definition: mathp.h:348
TypedValue::TypeModifier GetTypeModifier(const char *const s) const
Definition: mathp.cc:2903
virtual const std::string & sGetName(void) const
Definition: mathp.cc:2001
void SetFlag(const MathParser::ArgFlag &f)
Definition: mathp.h:96
PlugInVar(const char *const s, MathParser::PlugIn *p)
Definition: mathp.cc:1884
TypedValue power(void)
Definition: mathp.cc:3485
const NameSpaceMap & GetNameSpaceMap(void) const
Definition: mathp.cc:1984
unsigned m_flags
Definition: mathp.h:90
bool bNameValidate(const std::string &s) const
Definition: mathp.cc:3292
TypedValue evalfunc(MathParser::NameSpace *ns, MathParser::MathFunc_t *f)
Definition: mathp.cc:3576
TypedValue readplugin(void)
Definition: mathp.cc:4063
PlugIn(MathParser &mp)
Definition: mathp.h:245
int TokenPop(void)
Definition: mathp.cc:1963
Definition: mathp.cc:4385
virtual ~NameSpace(void)
Definition: mathp.cc:1995
virtual TypedValue EvalFunc(MathParser::MathFunc_t *f) const =0
virtual ArgType Type(void) const
Definition: mathp.h:135
MathArgPriv_t< std::string, AT_STRING > MathArgString_t
Definition: mathp.h:156
TypedValue unary(void)
Definition: mathp.cc:3555
T & operator()(void)
Definition: mathp.h:146
int GetLineNumber(void) const
Definition: mathp.cc:1943
void ClearFlag(const MathParser::ArgFlag &f)
Definition: mathp.h:97
MathArgPriv_t< ArgType, AT_TYPE > MathArgType_t
Definition: mathp.h:150
NameSpace * GetNameSpace(const std::string &name) const
Definition: mathp.cc:4620
virtual MathArg_t * Copy(void) const =0
unsigned GetFlags(void) const
Definition: mathp.h:99
void TokenPush(enum Token t)
Definition: mathp.cc:1950
std::string name
Definition: mathp.h:192
virtual const char * sName(void) const =0
virtual bool IsFunc(const std::string &fname) const =0
NameSpace * ns
Definition: mathp.h:168
TypedValue expr(void)
Definition: mathp.cc:3691
virtual ~MathArg_t(void)
Definition: mathp.h:94
Real GetLastStmt(Real d=0., Token t=ARGSEP)
Definition: mathp.cc:4402
bool IsFunc(const std::string &fname) const
Definition: mathp.cc:2831
TypedValue logical_int(TypedValue d)
Definition: mathp.cc:3322
virtual TypedValue::Type GetType(void) const =0
Definition: table.h:43
void PutSymbolTable(Table &T)
Definition: mathp.cc:1937
virtual Table * GetTable(void)=0
virtual ~PlugIn()
Definition: mathp.h:246
bool IsFlag(const MathParser::ArgFlag f) const
Definition: mathp.h:98
TypedValue value
Definition: mathp.h:361
virtual ArgType Type(void) const
Definition: mathp.h:112
TypedValue relational(void)
Definition: mathp.cc:3350
TypedValue mult_int(TypedValue d)
Definition: mathp.cc:3448
MathArgPriv_t< Int, AT_INT > MathArgInt_t
Definition: mathp.h:154
std::stack< TokenVal > TokenStack
Definition: mathp.h:370
virtual int Read(int argc, char *argv[])=0
MathParser::DeclarationModifier GetDeclarationModifier(const char *const s) const
Definition: mathp.cc:2915
TypedValue::Type GetType(const char *const s) const
Definition: mathp.cc:2891
int RegisterPlugIn(const char *name, MathParser::PlugIn *(*)(MathParser &, void *), void *arg)
Definition: mathp.cc:4584
NameSpaceMap nameSpaceMap
Definition: mathp.h:355
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const MathParser::MathArgVoid_t &v)
Definition: mathp.cc:314
double Real
Definition: mathtyp.h:39
Table & GetSymbolTable(void) const
Definition: mathp.cc:1931
virtual TypedValue GetVal(void) const =0
Table & table
Definition: mathp.h:287
std::map< std::string, MathParser::MathFunc_t * > funcType
Definition: mathp.h:207
ErrGeneric(const char *file, int line, const char *func, const std::string r=std::string())
Definition: mathp.cc:1921
std::string fname
Definition: mathp.h:167
TypedValue GetVal(void) const
Definition: mathp.cc:1916
virtual ArgType Type(void) const =0
MathParser & mp
Definition: mathp.h:224
Definition: mathtyp.h:56
struct MathParser::PlugInRegister * PlugIns