This is the complete list of members for FullMatrixHandler, including all inherited members.
Add(integer iRow, integer iCol, const FullMatrixHandler &source) | FullMatrixHandler | |
Add(integer iRow, integer iCol, const FullMatrixHandler &source, const doublereal dCoef) | FullMatrixHandler | |
Add(integer iRow, integer iCol, const Vec3 &v) | FullMatrixHandler | |
Add(integer iRow, integer iCol, const Mat3x3 &m) | FullMatrixHandler | |
Add(integer iRow, integer iCol, const Mat3xN &m) | FullMatrixHandler | |
Add(integer iRow, integer iCol, const MatNx3 &m) | FullMatrixHandler | |
AddT(integer iRow, integer iCol, const FullMatrixHandler &source) | FullMatrixHandler | |
AddT(integer iRow, integer iCol, const FullMatrixHandler &source, const doublereal dCoef) | FullMatrixHandler | |
AddT(integer iRow, integer iCol, const Vec3 &v) | FullMatrixHandler | |
AddT(integer iRow, integer iCol, const Mat3x3 &m) | FullMatrixHandler | |
AddT(integer iRow, integer iCol, const Mat3xN &m) | FullMatrixHandler | |
Attach(integer iNewRows, integer iNewCols, doublereal *pd, doublereal **ppd, integer iMSize=0, integer iMaxC=0) | FullMatrixHandler | |
begin(void) const | FullMatrixHandler | inline |
bOwnsMemory | FullMatrixHandler | protected |
ConditionNumber(enum Norm_t eNorm=NORM_1) const | MatrixHandler | virtual |
CopyMatrixBlock(integer dest_row, integer dest_col, const FullMatrixHandler &source, integer source_start_row, integer source_end_row, integer source_start_col, integer source_end_col) | FullMatrixHandler | |
CopyMatrixRow(integer dest_row, const FullMatrixHandler &source, integer source_row) | FullMatrixHandler | |
CreateColRow(integer iNR, integer iNC) | FullMatrixHandler | protected |
DecCoef(integer iRow, integer iCol, const doublereal &dCoef) | FullMatrixHandler | inlinevirtual |
Detach(void) | FullMatrixHandler | |
dGetCoef(integer iRow, integer iCol) const | FullMatrixHandler | inlinevirtual |
end(void) const | FullMatrixHandler | inline |
FullMatrixHandler(const FullMatrixHandler &) | FullMatrixHandler | |
FullMatrixHandler(doublereal *pd, doublereal **ppd, integer iSize, integer iNR, integer iNC, integer iMaxCols=0) | FullMatrixHandler | |
FullMatrixHandler(integer iNR, integer iNC=0) | FullMatrixHandler | |
FullMatrixHandler(void) | FullMatrixHandler | |
FullSubMatrixHandler class | FullMatrixHandler | friend |
iGetNumCols(void) const | FullMatrixHandler | inlinevirtual |
iGetNumRows(void) const | FullMatrixHandler | inlinevirtual |
iMaxCols | FullMatrixHandler | protected |
IncCoef(integer iRow, integer iCol, const doublereal &dCoef) | FullMatrixHandler | inlinevirtual |
iNumCols | FullMatrixHandler | protected |
iNumRows | FullMatrixHandler | protected |
iRawSize | FullMatrixHandler | protected |
m_end | FullMatrixHandler | private |
MatMatDecMul(MatrixHandler &out, const MatrixHandler &in) const | MatrixHandler | virtual |
MatMatIncMul(MatrixHandler &out, const MatrixHandler &in) const | MatrixHandler | virtual |
MatMatMul(MatrixHandler &out, const MatrixHandler &in) const | MatrixHandler | virtual |
MatMatMul_base(void(MatrixHandler::*op)(integer iRow, integer iCol, const doublereal &dCoef), MatrixHandler &out, const MatrixHandler &in) const | FullMatrixHandler | protectedvirtual |
MatMul(const FullMatrixHandler &m1, const FullMatrixHandler &m2) | FullMatrixHandler | |
MatTMatDecMul(MatrixHandler &out, const MatrixHandler &in) const | MatrixHandler | virtual |
MatTMatIncMul(MatrixHandler &out, const MatrixHandler &in) const | MatrixHandler | virtual |
MatTMatMul(MatrixHandler &out, const MatrixHandler &in) const | MatrixHandler | virtual |
MatTMatMul_base(void(MatrixHandler::*op)(integer iRow, integer iCol, const doublereal &dCoef), MatrixHandler &out, const MatrixHandler &in) const | FullMatrixHandler | protectedvirtual |
MatTVecDecMul(VectorHandler &out, const VectorHandler &in) const | MatrixHandler | virtual |
MatTVecIncMul(VectorHandler &out, const VectorHandler &in) const | MatrixHandler | virtual |
MatTVecMul(VectorHandler &out, const VectorHandler &in) const | MatrixHandler | virtual |
MatTVecMul_base(void(VectorHandler::*op)(integer iRow, const doublereal &dCoef), VectorHandler &out, const VectorHandler &in) const | FullMatrixHandler | protectedvirtual |
MatVecDecMul(VectorHandler &out, const VectorHandler &in) const | MatrixHandler | virtual |
MatVecIncMul(VectorHandler &out, const VectorHandler &in) const | MatrixHandler | virtual |
MatVecMul(VectorHandler &out, const VectorHandler &in) const | MatrixHandler | virtual |
MatVecMul_base(void(VectorHandler::*op)(integer iRow, const doublereal &dCoef), VectorHandler &out, const VectorHandler &in) const | FullMatrixHandler | protectedvirtual |
Norm(enum Norm_t eNorm=NORM_1) const | MatrixHandler | virtual |
NORM_1 enum value | MatrixHandler | |
NORM_INF enum value | MatrixHandler | |
Norm_t enum name | MatrixHandler | |
operator()(integer iRow, integer iCol) | FullMatrixHandler | inlinevirtual |
operator()(integer iRow, integer iCol) const | FullMatrixHandler | inlinevirtual |
operator+=(const SubMatrixHandler &SubMH) | FullMatrixHandler | virtual |
operator+=(const VariableSubMatrixHandler &SubMH) | FullMatrixHandler | virtual |
operator-=(const SubMatrixHandler &SubMH) | FullMatrixHandler | virtual |
operator-=(const VariableSubMatrixHandler &SubMH) | FullMatrixHandler | virtual |
operator<<(std::ostream &out, const FullMatrixHandler &m) | FullMatrixHandler | friend |
operator=(const FullMatrixHandler &) | FullMatrixHandler | |
MatrixHandler::operator=(const MatrixHandler &MH) | MatrixHandler | virtual |
PacMat(void) | MatrixHandler | virtual |
pdGetMat(void) const | FullMatrixHandler | inlinevirtual |
pdGetMat(void) | FullMatrixHandler | inlinevirtual |
pdGetVec(integer iCol) const | FullMatrixHandler | inlinevirtual |
pdGetVec(integer iCol) | FullMatrixHandler | inlinevirtual |
pdRaw | FullMatrixHandler | protected |
pdRawm1 | FullMatrixHandler | protected |
piGetCols(void) const | MatrixHandler | inlinevirtual |
piGetRows(void) const | MatrixHandler | inlinevirtual |
ppdCols | FullMatrixHandler | protected |
ppdColsm1 | FullMatrixHandler | protected |
Put(integer iRow, integer iCol, const FullMatrixHandler &source) | FullMatrixHandler | |
Put(integer iRow, integer iCol, const FullMatrixHandler &source, const doublereal dCoef) | FullMatrixHandler | |
Put(integer iRow, integer iCol, const Vec3 &v) | FullMatrixHandler | |
Put(integer iRow, integer iCol, const Mat3x3 &m) | FullMatrixHandler | |
Put(integer iRow, integer iCol, const Mat3xN &m) | FullMatrixHandler | |
Put(integer iRow, integer iCol, const MatNx3 &m) | FullMatrixHandler | |
PutCoef(integer iRow, integer iCol, const doublereal &dCoef) | FullMatrixHandler | inlinevirtual |
PutT(integer iRow, integer iCol, const FullMatrixHandler &source) | FullMatrixHandler | |
PutT(integer iRow, integer iCol, const FullMatrixHandler &source, const doublereal dCoef) | FullMatrixHandler | |
PutT(integer iRow, integer iCol, const Vec3 &v) | FullMatrixHandler | |
PutT(integer iRow, integer iCol, const Mat3x3 &m) | FullMatrixHandler | |
PutT(integer iRow, integer iCol, const Mat3xN &m) | FullMatrixHandler | |
Reset(void) | FullMatrixHandler | virtual |
Resize(integer iNewRows, integer iNewCols) | FullMatrixHandler | virtual |
ResizeReset(integer, integer) | MatrixHandler | virtual |
ScalarMul(const doublereal &d) | MatrixHandler | virtual |
SparseSubMatrixHandler class | FullMatrixHandler | friend |
Sub(integer iRow, integer iCol, const FullMatrixHandler &source) | FullMatrixHandler | |
Sub(integer iRow, integer iCol, const FullMatrixHandler &source, const doublereal dCoef) | FullMatrixHandler | |
Sub(integer iRow, integer iCol, const Vec3 &v) | FullMatrixHandler | |
Sub(integer iRow, integer iCol, const Mat3x3 &m) | FullMatrixHandler | |
Sub(integer iRow, integer iCol, const Mat3xN &m) | FullMatrixHandler | |
Sub(integer iRow, integer iCol, const MatNx3 &m) | FullMatrixHandler | |
SubT(integer iRow, integer iCol, const FullMatrixHandler &source) | FullMatrixHandler | |
SubT(integer iRow, integer iCol, const FullMatrixHandler &source, const doublereal dCoef) | FullMatrixHandler | |
SubT(integer iRow, integer iCol, const Vec3 &v) | FullMatrixHandler | |
SubT(integer iRow, integer iCol, const Mat3x3 &m) | FullMatrixHandler | |
SubT(integer iRow, integer iCol, const Mat3xN &m) | FullMatrixHandler | |
Write(std::ostream &out, const FullMatrixHandler &m, const char *s, const char *s2) | FullMatrixHandler | friend |
~FullMatrixHandler(void) | FullMatrixHandler | virtual |
~MatrixHandler(void) | MatrixHandler | virtual |